Monday, September 29, 2014

cat post

the picture seems like the tree cats are leaving from their home to be free.
the first is the gurdien of the two kittens, the second is the watch out to check and keep a look out for the two kittens, and finally the third is the child of the group. the two are taking care of the child.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dorothea Lange: The Power Of Photographic Portrayal

1.The reason of the Migrant Mother is so famous because... In 1935, Lange and her second husband, the Berkeley economics professor and self-taught photographer Paul Taylor, were transferred to the Resettlement Administration. One of Roosevelt’s New Deal programs designed to help the country recover from the depression and the Migrant Mother depicting an agricultural worker named Florence Owens Thompson with her children.Her photographs still hold a poignancy in today’s culture, especially due to the recent fragility of the financial state.

2. social commentary photography is…. its showing the problem, its provides ideas of implementing. commentary photography it could gets a display as social commentary through an ... As most any photographer profiled in these pages will attest.o

here is a modifide photo of Florence Owens Thompson (the Migrant Mother)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Berenice Abbott

I agree that all good photographs are documents, but I also know that all documents are certainly not good photographs. Furthermore, a good photographer does not merely document, he probes the subject, she "uncovers" it… - Berenice Abbott

that quote makes me feel like the giddiers.

photo elements examples

these are the examples and the photos that i token.

rule of thirds 

avoiding mergers 





Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Photo Elements

there is 


 The Rule of Thirds




 Avoiding Mergers

Monday, September 15, 2014

Elements of Art and Principles of Design in Photography


They have the power to draw the eye to key focal points in a shot and to impact the ‘feel’ of an image greatly.


Shape describes two dimensional space. It is defined by other elements of design like color, lines, space and value.


The colors in an image and how they are arranged can make or break a shot.
Bright colors can add vibrancy, energy and interest – however in the wrong position they can also distract viewers of an image away from focal points.

Value (Tone)

The fact is, value can impart as much, or more, emotional response than color. It is the main component of black and white photography.


Form would be how you define that object that you are taking the picture of. For instance


texture is found almost everywhere sunny days, shadows have sharply defined edges and are probably very dark.


Either technique can be effective – so experiment with moving in close and personal and moving out to capture a subject in its context.


Photographic Composition, Center of interest, Subject placement, Simplicity, Symmetrical, or formal, balance in a photograph is achieved when elements


the relative difference between light and dark areas of a print or negative.


Emphasis in photography is highlighting some aspect of a scene or subject.


The way that your eye is directed across the photograph, how one element of the photograph leads our eyes to another.


There are patterns all around us if we only learn to see them. Emphasizing and highlighting these patterns can lead to striking shots – as can high lighting when patterns are broken.


 the rhythm for the reader and they analogous to negative space where positive space.


 A principle of art, unity occurs when all of the elements of a piece combine

composition rules

Composition is the combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole.  In photography that thought is very important in taking good pictures.
