Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Photoshop Introduction

before we start anything else; we should ask our selves… how do we use photoshop?
we use photoshop to create a serreal picture/video. you could use them for magazines, portraits, and art work.the THREE TOOLS you'll be using for this program is crop tool, the lasso tool, and text tool. for example for a movie poster… you'll need to take an image and add some text for the poster. but if need a better example the video here.

1. crop- if want to, you could try to cup the borders of the the original image.

2. lasso- if want, you could cut out the image from the original image.

3. text- you could drop text like if to add informstion or ect.

speaking of cutting…
here is some of some QUICK MASK TUTORIAL! here

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