Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I need you like rapunzel needs freedom
I need you more then a queen needs her kingdom 
I need you more then Doctor needs rose 
I need you more then Voldemort needs his nose 
I need you more then katniss needs bread
I need you more then George needs Fred 
I need you more then Elsa needs to let it go 
I need you more then Olaf needs snow 
I need you more then Sherlock needs his Holmes 
I need you more then the garden needs it's gnomes 
I need you more then Snape needs Lilly 
I need you more then Mickey needs Minnie 
I need you more then the professor needs his hat 
I need you more then Hermione needs her cat 
I need you more then Harry needs his scar 
I need you more then Ron needs his flying car 
I need you more then Arthur needs his rubber duck 
I need you more then Jack needs his jar of dirt for good luck 
I need you more then Marvel needs his spear 
After reading this I dropped a tear 
For all the fandoms you think aren't real 
Seems to always give me the feels

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