Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Peoms #2


D is for Doctor 
O is for Ood
C is for the Chameleon Circuit 
Which is stuck on T.A.R.D.I.S blue
T is for Timelord
O is for “Oh, I’m so sorry”
R is for Rose and the the much loved Rory.
W is for “What am I watching?” and 
H is for Hope, while 
O stands for the ONLY show that can make me act like a dope.
A friend is like a Valentine,
Heartwarming, bringing pleasure,
Connected to good feelings,
With memories to treasure.

Charmanders are red (well Orange), Squirtles are blue
If you were a pokemon I'd choose you
your smile is stronger than a hyperbeam,
like Jesse and James we'd make the perfect team.
I'll stay by your side like Pikachu and Ash,
and love you more than a lever 80 rapidash
You're more legendary than a Zapados, Entri or Mew
but out of all 649 I choose you.
Seeing a special Valentine
Brings happiness to stay,
And that’s what you do, friend,
You brighten every day! People come and people go,
In and out of your life and so,
When one shines bright among the rest,
And is there when needed, you’re truly blessed.
That is how I see you, friend of mine,
And why I’m sending this Valentine.

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